Introducing "Old Lamps, New Life" - My First Ever Book!

July 24, 2015




Do you think that most people feel a calling to write a book at some point in their lives? In 2014, I polled I Like That Lamp subscribers to find out what type of book they thought I should write about lamps and lamp-making. The results were clear: folks wanted to learn how to refurbish vintage & thrift store lamps.


Many months of writing, editing, filming, and photographing later - it's finally here.



My baby.  


It's time to get those old lamps out of the garage, and into your home. I've found that many people love the look of old lamps, but find the idea of re-wiring them intimidating. This book shows you how to re-wire and re-finish vintage lamps safely, and make them into something you will treasure for years to come.


While there is a benefit to having a healthy fear of electricity, once you understand the basics of a lamp hook-up, you'll be seeing old lamps in a completely different "light".


More than just an eBook, it also includes 7 exclusive videos. For a sneak peak at the video series, here's video 1: "Lamp Haul: What to Look for When Scouting Vintage Lamps





Read more about Old Lamps, New Life here. 



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